About Noël

My Photo Journey

The beginning

I've been shooting as long as I can recall. I still remember at 7-years-old when I got my first Kodak disposable camera during a family vacation. I loved capturing pictures of those I loved and things my childhood heart thought were SO COOL. The freedom to create without pressure definitely started the fire of this art form in my little heart.

The Growth

After graduating with my degree in photography I landed a job doing marketing and communications with a non-profit. Over the course of a number of years this job stretched me, taught me, encouraged me, and grew my creativity and my soul in ways I couldn't have imagined. I had opportunities to shoot various genres as well as learn from experts in my field.

The Dream

Over the years I shot for individuals on the side and hoped to one day run a photo business full-time. Getting to encounter all kinds of people and share their stories would be a dream come true! Slowly but surely, through patience, supportive people, and faith in the Lord, this dream has finally come to fruition and I can't wait to see where it goes. 

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